Residents in Wyre Forest are being urged to be on their guard against scammers who cold call claiming to be able to reduce council tax bills.

Two residents from the district received phone calls last week from a company saying they were paying too much council tax because they had been placed in the wrong tax band.

The caller asked for the resident’s bank details, offering to recover overpaid council tax on the resident’s behalf if paid an “investigation fee”.

Wyre Forest District Council is urging residents not to give out their bank details over the phone.

Scam Alert Web

Cabinet Member for Resources Councillor Nathan Desmond said: “These calls are not endorsed by Wyre Forest District Council and I would urge residents not to give out their personal or bank details to people calling out the blue under any circumstances.

“If you feel that your Council Tax band for your home is wrong, then all you have to do is contact the Valuation Office Agency and explain why you think it is incorrect.”

The Government has produced a list of dos and don’ts to prevent people from falling victim to council tax scams.