Council debates draft local plan
27 June 2019Wyre Forest District Council is set to agree the latest version of its Local Plan for consultation during September and October.
The council wants to ensure that anyone interested in the Plan has the opportunity to comment on the proposals, but is keen to stress that if you commented previously you do not need to respond again unless you wish to change or add to previous comments.
Councillor Fran Oborski, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration, Planning and Capital Investments explained:
“The council consulted on the Pre Submission version of the Local Plan in November 2018. As a result of responses received we became aware that there were concerns about some of the transport evidence underpinning the Plan so we have agreed to re-open the consultation. We also became aware that some residents did not receive the council leaflets advertising our drop in sessions last year. Anyone sending in their comments as part of the consultation held last year can rest assured that those comments will still be considered and it is not necessary to repeat them. However anyone who did not comment previously, or who wants to change or add to comments previously made, will have the opportunity to do so between Monday 2 September and Monday 14 October.”
In addition to the updated transport modelling evidence there are updated reports on viability and Infrastructure Delivery, including more information about highway improvements on the A450 to support the development of land to the east of Kidderminster. This includes proposals to ease the traffic congestion caused at Mustow Green. No changes are proposed to sites allocated for new residential or employment purposes apart from the removal of land off Yew Tree Walk in Stourport (known as Patrick’s Field) and the recognition that Blakedown Rail Station offers an opportunity, as a transport hub, to accommodate additional car parking to support the role of the station and some limited residential development to enable that.
Councillor Graham Ballinger, Leader of the Council said:
“We have to re-open this consultation to make sure that our technical evidence is up to date and supports the proposals in the plan. We recognise that it is important to promote sustainable transport options and that Blakedown Station is on a major rail route, but does not have the infrastructure necessary to support its role in encouraging people to use the train instead of the car to access important destinations on the Snow Hill line into Birmingham. In order to release land to accommodate increased car parking, in line with a report commissioned by Worcestershire County Council, we are proposing a limited number of new houses which will also help in meeting future housing need in Blakedown. We have also listened to what residents of Stourport had to say about the allocation of land at Yew Tree Walk and agree that it would not be appropriate to bring forward this site for residential development.”