Local Plan Review Issues and Options Paper
The District Council is currently undertaking a Local Plan Review. The new Local Plan will replace the current Adopted Core Strategy, Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan and Kidderminster Central Area Action Plan. Please see the current Project Plan for the most up to date timetable.
As part of the Local Plan Review, the Council produced an “issues and options” document in 2015. This identified a number of potential options for locating new development in our area and also asked questions about the main issues and challenges which may affect the District both now and in the future. This was the first stage of the Local Plan Review and it was not the purpose of the Issues and Options document to allocate sites for future development. Rather it identified some broad areas for potential development in the future to encourage comment and debate. This did not necessarily mean that those broad areas would be subject to development within the new plan period.
The six week public consultation on the Issues and Options document closed on 16 October 2015. A large number of responses were received and were reported to Cabinet on 22 December 2015. All responses received have been used to help develop the Preferred Options stage of the Local Plan Review.
View the table of responses (4277K)
View the Issues and Option Paper and responses via the online portal
View the Local Plan Review Issues and Options Paper (8200K)
View the Local Plan Review Leaflet (286K)
During the consultation period the Planning Policy Team hosted a number of drop-in sessions.
View the display boards from the drop-in sessions (3153K)
Sustainability Appraisal
Sustainability Appraisal (SA) is required during the preparation of a Local Plan. The Local Planning Authority must carry out an appraisal of the sustainability of the proposals in the Plan. The role of an SA is to promote sustainable development by assessing the extent to which the emerging plan, when judged against reasonable alternatives, will help to achieve relevant environmental, economic and social objectives. This will help the authority to assess how the plan will contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. Sustainability appraisal is integral to the preparation and development of a Local Plan, so work should start at the same time that work starts on developing the plan.
This Sustainability Appraisal forms part of the documents for the Wyre Forest District Local Plan Review.
The Pre-Submission Sustainability Appraisal Report has been prepared alongside the Local Plan Pre-Submission Publication document and is available for comments during the consultation period between 2 September 2018 and 5pm on 14 October 2019. All comments should be submitted via the consultation portal or by using the consultation response form.