Local Plan background documents - Infrastructure, Viability and Transport
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An Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) was produced in May 2017 by the Council in liaison with Worcestershire County Council and other infrastructure providers. This was for the Local Plan Review Preferred Options stage. This has been updated in June 2019 for the Pre-Submission stage. The IDP explains the infrastructure requirements of the development proposals contained in the draft Local Plan.
Wyre Forest Infrastructure Delivery Plan (June 2019) (2687K)
The Council commissioned HDH Planning & Development Ltd. to produce a Viability Study in May 2017. This study was updated in October 2018 for the Local Plan Pre-Submission stage, an additional document was added in June 2019. The Viability Assessment tests the overall viability of the Local Plan in respect of the policies and proposals contained within the draft Plan.
Pre Submission Viability Note (June 2019) (334K)
Local Plan Viability Assessment Update (October 2018) (5,277K)
Wyre Forest District Viability Assessment with CIL scoping (May 2017) (19,183K)
A transport modelling study has been prepared for the Local Plan Pre-Submission stage. This was undertaken by Worcestershire County Council and Jacobs consultants in June 2019 and includes Transport Evidence, Blakedown Station Car Park Options and A450 Corridor Enhancement Report.
Transport Evidence (June 2019) (11161K)
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