Local Plan background documents - Flood Risk, Water Management and Climate Change
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Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
(August 2019)
The council commissioned JBA Consulting in 2018 to produce a SFRA in support of the development of the Local Plan Pre-Submission stage. JBA Consulting were subsequently commissioned in 2019 to update the SFRA with additional sites. This 2019 version of the SFRA replaces the previous versions.
Updated Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Main Report (September 2019)
Appendix A - Site Summary Table for Land off Station Drive, Blakedown
Appendix A - Site Summary Tables (2,094K)
Appendix B - Watercourses (1,473K)
Appendix C - Flood Zones (31,656K)
Appendix D - Climate Change (32,000K)
Appendix E - Surface Water (35,078K)
Appendix F - Groundwater (30,956K)
Appendix G - Site Specific FRA Checklist (204K)
Appendix H - Surface Water Drainage Proforma (247K)
Appendix I - Technical Supporting Information (205K)
Flood Risk Sequential Test
A Flood Risk Sequential Test assessment of the proposed development sites has been produced for the Local Plan Pre-Submission documents.
Updated Flood Risk Sequential Test Assessment of Proposed Development Sites (September 2019) (1,858K)
Water Cycle Study
The Council commissioned JBA Consulting to produce in 2017 an updated Water Cycle Study in support of the development of the Local Plan Review. This considers potential issues relating to water supply, water resources, wastewater infrastructure, water quality and associated environmental issues. Since then further sites have been identified as part of the Local plan consultation process, and there have been a number of changes in legislation, for example the publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework. Therefore a Water Cycle Study Addendum report has been produced in October 2018.
Water Cycle Study Addendum (October 2018) (1,177K)
Wyre Forest Water Cycle Study (May 2017) (29,885K)
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