Local Plan 2016-36 background documents - Housing
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Housing need
Under the National Planning Policy Framework Local Planning Authorities are required to prepare an Objective Assessment of Housing Need. The latest Housing Need Study for Wyre Forest District has used the Government’s Standardised Methodology for calculating housing need.
Wyre Forest District Housing Need Study (October 2018) (3,494K)
Wyre Forest Demographic Update (October 2018) (1,383K)
Planning Authorities are required to demonstrate a 5 year land supply for the delivery of housing.
View the latest five year housing land supply report.
Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
Under the National Planning Policy Framework, Local Planning Authorities are required to prepare a Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment. This identifies the future land supply which could help to deliver the objectively assessed needs identified for housing and economic development in Wyre Forest District across the plan period (2016-36). It helps us understand the level of growth we can plan for and where that growth could potentially go. Please note that any references to Health and Safety Executive Exclusion Zones are now obsolete.
Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Update (August 2019)
Kidderminster HELAA (August 2019)
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